Saturday, October 29, 2011

Baby Blanket

 I have not posted for a few months but I have been busy with WIP's and knitting and papercrafts
 Now for some completed cross stitch.
This is Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter on the first square of a baby blanket for my grandchild due in January 2012.
There are 3 more squares to do - 1 in each corner.  Just have to decide which character to do next.  Maybe it will be Jemima Puddleduck.


  1. Hi there - would you mind sharing the name of the cross stitch book you used for this character and the other characters? Also, I'd love to see a photo of the whole blanket. This looks beautiful!

    1. Thanks Lauren - if you go to my post on the blog Jan 4 2012 you can see a picture of the whole blanket.
      I got the patterns from some old UK stitching magazines. Maybe I can send them to you.


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