Sunday, September 8, 2013

Fun Stitch

I made these for a church fundraising stall.
A quick stitch on perforated paper then I used double sided tape to attach to the clothes hanger.

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Long Time Since I Posted

Life gets busy! Family travels to Horsham, Victoria and Canberra (ACT) this year, plus many other activities, including church study and quilling.  This has meant I have not been stitching so often.
This is  a JBW Design French Country - Love which I am doing in a variegated Aussie thread. It is Kangaroo Paw by Cottage Garden Threads. I love their colours.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Finally Completed

I am finished at last, an ornament for my Grandson.   Luckily he is too young to realise it is late.  I just got too busy leading up to Christmas to get it done.
Now to think about what to stitch next!

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