Sunday, February 19, 2012

Love and Friendship Exchange

I stitched on a hand towel for my exchange partner and sent other goodies pictured . The phrase says "A friend is someone who reaches for your hand but touches your heart."
The design comes from a book by Marie Barber

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Bless the Baby" finished

Finished the design by Lizze Kate and personalised it with a dragon button up the top and a glass celtic button near the name. The button is blue and symbolises the baby's Irish and Scottish heritage.
USA, England and Switzerland are other countries of ancestors of the baby.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A present for first Grandson

January has been a busy stitching time while watching the summer sports on TV. My Mother has been busy knitting a pram/cot cover with a most unusual pattern. She is certainly the knitting expert in the family.
My top picture is Lizzie Kate design which is a WIP. I have yet to decide on a button to add and I have to stitch baby's name
The next picture is a rabbit stitched on a singlet.
Also I have done a piece for a swap which I cannot reveal as yet.

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